District Profile
Saran district has a total population of 3.94 million as against 103.8 million of Bihar and 1028.7 million of India as per provisional figures of 2012 census, the decadal growth rate being 21.4% against 25.1 of Bihar and 17.64% of India. Population density (No. of persons per square Kilometer) of this district is 1493 which is very high against 1102 of Bihar and 382 of India, resulting thereby a high population pressure on land and compelling the farmers to have a small land holding. The rural population of Saran district constitutes 91.1 % against 88.7 % of Bihar State and 68.8 % of India. This again shows its reflection of higher dependency of rural mass on agricultural land resulting into disguised unemployment of farmers and agricultural labors in one hand and over exploitation of natural resources on the other.
The sex ratio (No. of Females per 1000 males) of Saran district is 949 which is much higher against 916 of Bihar 940 of India. This shows a positive thinking of entire population for the females and this gives us a vast potential for women empowerment and creation of Self Help Groups for income generation activities and fighting the challenges of unemployment.
The literacy percentage of Saran district increased from 51.8% in the year 2001 to 68.6% in 2012 with decadal increase of 16.8%, the females having higher decadal growth of 21.1% as compared to Males having just 12.4